Overlay notification app for win7

it seems there is no overlay notification application currently available for windows 7 x64
im not sure how many other os’s are lacking this feature.

as i understand it this is due to changes in directx in recent years.

what i mean by notification is that when certain events happen, new email, messenger app notifications, system changes such as volume or media inputs, play, forward etc etc.
(wlindows live messenger is the reason i post this here, as i hate having to exit a fullscreen application just to read a message, this takes several seconds and causes complications).

and by overlay i mean a display appearing on top of whatever is on your screen at the time, games, desktop etc.
just like when you press the button on your monitor and a small simple display appears so you can change the monitors settings.

there used to be many applications that did this on windows 98 and xp, the one that displayed windows messenger messages was brilliant, and no matter how many applications and gadgets have come forth in recent years, none have that simple functionality that the old overlay systems have.

i know it is possible as the ventrilo voice communication application uses such an overlay and the os has a fully operational notification system.

this could even be used to display comodo balloon messages while a fullscreen app is running, instead of fighting for screen access with whichever program is running.

if made im sure you would have a very popular, very usefull product.

please consider it.