Opera 9.5 Beta

As the useful topic of free apps has been locked, this’ll have to be a new thread.

The latest version has protection against malware; details are here:

Has memory usage changed much lately, like from 9.27? Just curious.

You don’t need anti-phishing techniques if you only enter sites you do know&trust and if you’re manually inserting all URL’s whilst being sober.




I’d better start to use 9.5 urgently then!

LOL, you might be right with this, as always, giraffe :slight_smile:



9.50 Build 10051 with 2 tabs opened (1 2) :
41MB Virtual MEM

Acid3 test score: 83

NB: Months ago Opera released a test build which reached 100 on acid3

Just over 2 months ago there was a build that exceeded 100%!

That one was an april fools joke :smiley:

Cool. And what about performance, is it still as good in the latest builds?

I guess it beats Opera 9.2X but I don’t know how well it compares to Firefox 3.
FF3 Javascript speed looks faster but the article you mentioned shows that Opers DOM manipulation speed is still unmatched.

I’ll better wait for Opera 9.5 to come out of beta. Opera’s webpage says it’s coming out soon :BNC I like Opera better tha FF 2 or 3, cos I don’t need those extesions. (:WIN)

I’m trying it right now one thing I didn’t like is the new skinning and “New tab” button placement.
The new developers tool (dragonfly) looks promising.

Well FF gives you options ya know…

I don’t like the new default skin, but that’s the beauty of Opera: one can choose the look of it. I’ve tried many skins, generally going for compactness, good contrast between current and other tabs and panels and also the clarity of the icons. Now I’ve settled on winvista_le_classic-2 and TobsTheatreToolbarsetupv1.5forOpera7.5-8.0bx. In addition, there are sites with special buttons, so when 9.5 is out of Beta I’ll set it up the same as 9.27.

(9.5 does seem faster at opening and rendering.

Like always I will wait for the public to find any faults with 9.5 and then jump i with both feet. While I’ve had the rest I’ll always return to the best “Opera” in any flavor

Yes - I tend to wait untill the suckers have suffered then update if suitable.
I’m playing with 9.5 but, unlike many, wouldn’t use it until the dust has settled.

Opera 8.50 9.50 final is out Download the Opera Browser for Computer, Phone, Tablet | Opera

I was disappointed to see it doesn’t pass acid 3 with a 100% score like the experimental build.

9.5 does much better then 9.2 on Acid 3, but getting the last of the changes in the normal builds requires more work to make sure the rest of the web doesn't break while we change things for that test.

I was disappointed that it’s 8.50 rather than 9.50 :frowning:

But am delighted to know you just had a typo :slight_smile:

I’m really disappointed that the classic installer is no longer available :frowning:

I guess I need to rest :slight_smile:
I started to miss to proofread my posts again :stuck_out_tongue:

RC forced the new tab button to be right-sided they fixes this an now it is possible to set it back to his previous position and delete the “right” one

I don’t like the new skin at all and I’m now using a LikeIE6 9.50 compatible skin though I hope someone will change it to support the system button background color (aka Natural version)

BTW why do you prefer the classic installer?

I haven’t been using the default skin for a long time and will try out this new version later on tonight.

I assume the classic installer is the least bloated and gives the choice during installation to keep a global settings or per user profile ???