Occasional BSOD [M1246]

1. The full product and its version:

2. Your Operating System (32 or 64 bit) and ServicePack revision. and if using a virtual machine, which one:
Windows 8.1 x64 Fully Updated

3. List all the configuration changes you did. Are you using Default configuration? If no, whats the difference?:

4. Did you install over a previous version without uninstalling first, or import a previous configuration file?:
No. In fact, after uninstalling the previous version I used regedit to remove any entries related to Comodo.

5. Other Security, Sandboxing or Utility Software Installed:

6. Step by step description to reproduce the issue. Or if you cannot reproduce it, what you actually did before it happened, step by step:
1: Unknown. It happens randomly.

7. What actually happened when you carried out these steps:
Randomly, sometimes when computer starts, sometimes when browsing internet, or random there will be a BSOD.

8. What you expected to see or happen when you carried out these steps, and why (if not obvious):

9. Any other information:
Login BSOD or random BSOD
A Complete Dump can be downloaded from this link:

Motherboard: MSI P45 Diamond
Memory: 4 GB DDR3
Video card: Gainward GTS 250 (latest driver)
Sound: X-Fi Xtreme Audio PCI-E (latest driver)
HDD: Western Digital Green 500 GB

You may find that driver causes (eg X-Fi driver).

The Hungarian (Prohardver) Forums suspect many Windows updates. For example, Avira also does not start automatically in Win 8.1. Editing regedit as Comodo. Interesting.

I have yet to have a BSOD since the installation of CIS ever. I am currently on Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit with latest updates.
If it is truly a bug, hopefully I don’t get the BSOD and it gets fixed soon :frowning:

I am very sorry to hear that you have encountered a BSOD. Am I correct in understanding that you get the BSOD just as the computer is booting into Windows?

Also, I’m sorry to have to ask for this, but the devs have informed me that a MiniDump very rarely contains enough information for them to ascertain the true cause of a BSOD and fix it. Please set up your computer to create a Complete Dump. Instructions on how to do this can be found on this page. Then replicate the BSOD so the Complete Dump is made.

Then, you can put the Complete Dump file in a zip file and upload it to a file sharing site. The file will be quite large, but mega works well (although it does require Free registration).

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Thanks again.

Hi Chiron

Full dump download here my onedrive:

Thank you. I took that file and uploaded it to my MEGA account so that you don’t have to use up so much space on your OneDrive account. You can now delete it from your OneDrive if you like.

There are still a few more pieces of information I need in order to forward this to the devs.

  1. Does this BSOD happen when your computer is booting into Windows? If so does it happen every time Windows tries to start?
  2. Is your computer 32 bit or 64 bit? If you’re not sure I can help you to figure this out.


I do not always happen when the computer starts. For example, when browsing (Firefox 32.0.2.) or without browsing.

: 64bit

Other Security: No

Virtual: No

Motherboard: MSI P45 Diamond
Memory: 4 GB DDR3
Video card: Gainward GTS 250 (latest driver)
Sound: X-Fi Xtreme Audio PCI-E (latest driver)
HDD: Western Digital Green 500 GB

You may find that driver causes (eg X-Fi driver).

The Hungarian (Prohardver) Forums suspect many Windows updates. For example, Avira also does not start automatically in Win 8.1. Editing regedit as Comodo. Interesting.

Sorry my bad English.

Thank you. I have updated the first post with the most up-to-date information.

I have a few questions.

  1. By your last comment do you mean that your version of Windows is not fully updated?
  2. Have you made changes using regedit? If so please list what you have changed. This may be directly related to this issue, even if it seems unrelated.


Hi Chiron.

  1. sorry. Windows Fully Updated.
  2. The uninstall software manual cleaning in regedit.

Thank you. Do you mean that after installing the last version you used regedit to remove any remaining Comodo registry entries?

If so, did you do anything with the registry after installing this Beta of CIS?

Yes although they could remain deleted records.


Thank you. After installing CIS Beta were any of the registry records modified in any way related to Comodo?

No no. Before CIS beta installing.

Thank you very much for your report in standard format, with all information supplied. The care you have taken is much appreciated by Comodo, and will increase the likelihood that this bug can be fixed.

Developers may or may not communicate with you in the forum or by PM/IM, depending on time availability and need. Because you have supplied complete information they may be able to replicate and fix the bug without doing so.

Many thanks again.

Hi Chiron

I found the CIS 8 beta BSOD problem.
I under test CIS 8 beta now without BSOD. ;D

What was the problem, and how were you able to fix this?

Hi Chiron

Sorry. Unable to solve again BSOD. :frowning:

Do you mean that you are still receiving occasional BSOD?

I use now CIS 7.

Okay, I will respond to this topic if the devs mark this as Fixed. However, even if I don’t respond by the time the final version is released, please do test and see if the final version fixes this for you. Often issues such as this may be fixed, even if the devs to not update the tracker to inform me of their fixing.

Thank you.

Hi Chiron

CIS Excellent work.

Thank you. :smiley: