Number of threats detected

Same threat is logged 10-20 times.
Ok i have little contributed to that by clicking ignore once button on some threats, but I still think it should be one threat one log.

Currently we have displayed a number of events, and not a number of threats.

  1. CPU Athlon 64 X2 4600+
  2. Windows XP pro, service pack 3, 32 bit
  3. CIS 3.8.64263.468
  4. Antivirus - default settings
  5. Firewall - custom policy mode
  6. Defense+ - clean PC mode
  7. Administrator account

Ok, I run a scan and had i file detected. I unchecked the box by the file name and closed a window.

Number of threats didn’t changed.

I run a context menu scan and detected two threats, a choose to quarantine both.

Before I run a scan I had 1 threat detected, and after I quarantined two files, I had 2 threat detected.

1+2= :THNK

Little joke. Great job Comodo :comodo110:

Ok I now tried to restore two files from quarantine, one went smooth, but for the other one immediately pop up alert and I clicked Ignore once button (for some 17 times because it wouldn’t go away). Finally I added it to the exclusion list.

Threat number count now stands at 19. It added 17 threats, although it was one threat detected many times over.