Number Of Sandboxed Apps Should Be Refreshed Automatically [V7B][M695]

It was posted as a bug report in the first place… :wink:

Imagine copying something from one folder to another and seeing content of new folder only after 2 min.

It would drive you crazy.

I’ve now added a poll. Please vote.

Where? I don’t see it. ???

I voted other, it’s not important to me but it would be an appreciated fix/feature if I can put it like that… I’m more interested in an explanation of why they did this in the first place? (Also I think it’s for all the numbers on the main GUI e.g network intrusions etc… I don’t think it’s specific to the sandbox) My best guess is aesthetics.

Voted yes.

A request that might have more chance is a refresh button. That would visually indicate that the data could be out of date…

I think it might be quite hard to do this as a state change thing as the value is a calculated value. It would need, at some level a constantly running counting loop.

F5 refresh support would be interesting. 88)

Please do make a separate wish if you like the idea :slight_smile:

I will make a wish for the F5 but not a clickable button since I’m still pondering whether I personally want that or not… Not going to make a wish for something I don’t want 88)

That’s good enough thanks Sanya

The reason for the button is that it is typically used in a GUI to indicate visually that the current display may not always be up to date. So it’s dual purpose really.


Yes but I’m still thinking about it, where would thee buton be, would it have the text refresh or just an icon etc?

I’d leave that up to the devs. Just state its purpose.

Well since I’d rather have the values actually updating in real time I’ve decided to not create a wish because that wish would be pretty much useless if this wish comes true and perhaps it would mean developers think we’d rather have an update button rather than values updating in real time… Basically what I’m saying is that I’m going to wait and see what happens on the real-time update part before I make such a wish, if someone else wants the wish now then they can still do it themselves. :wink:

I’m afraid they have already said no to that wish Sanya, twice.

…Fine, but the wish format doesn’t make any sense for me… I’ll do my best though…

Values now update in real-time in the CIS 7.0.312140.4101 RC :-TU

That’s great to hear. In that case I’ll move this to Resolved.