Now you can buy Comodo Merchandise!!!

yeah sure comodo has some nice hips… much nicer than the old hips of other vendors… (read: grandma hips…) (:LGH)

Where is (CLY) mug? :cry:

Please Update The Items and Add more Items! :slight_smile:

Bumper Stickers; Cups, Laptops, CD’s, Stickers, Pants, Underwear, Keyboards etc :slight_smile:

I like the new HIPS :slight_smile:



This merchandise was released 2 years ago (nearly 3).
Is it possible to still purchase at the link you provided?

Any idea if merchandise its going to be renewed (with new COMODO logo) and/or added more products?

Fast forward five years…I just bought a coffee mug. Not much there, needs more stuff! :slight_smile:

rsrsrs :stuck_out_tongue:

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Does anyone else here really like to look of these T-Shirts Comodo are using for their RSA Conference booth?