Not have its own user agent more

Chrome and CD have the same User Agent? I would like to keep them apart. Is there a way for this?

Thanks for any tip

There are extensions that can switch your user agent.

And how I can identify all the other users? ???
I need this for the browser statistics. identifies Dragon as

You are using an unknown browser that imitates Chrome Nightly on Windows 7

The user agent is not “Chrome” without reason:
New in Dragon 21.2:

IMPROVED: - Dragon is based on Chromium 21.0.1180.89. CHANGED: - [b]Changed user agent to same value as in Chrome to fix compatibility problems.[/b] Fixed: - Open new tab at startup option didn't work.

What kind of compatibility problems?
An additional entry to Comodo Dragon should not cause problems. Otherwise, the problem is on the website.
The IceDragon hasnt the same problem? There is an entry.
How can one analyze, how often the Dragon is used.

With sites that only accept tested browsers (eg Chrome), although they actually work with many other browsers (eg Dragon) as well.

Dragon has its own version number. For the current version it is “Chrome/” in the user agent.


Now I understand. And the next version is

Thx :slight_smile:

The first version based on Chromium 25 will probably be, the next and so on. Never the same version number as Chrome. :slight_smile:

New problem.
Now is the version and not

Chrome Nightly has the same version number.

Apparently I’m not alone with the problem.
The Dragon has dropped to 0% at Statcounter.
Before this modification, it was 0.02%.

Chrome stable is 25.0.1364.152
Chrome beta is 26.0.1410.28
Chrome dev is 27.0.1430.3

So Dragon and Chrome do not have the same version-number.