Noob Help

Hey All, I am a smart guy but maybe not smart enough to use Comodo. Can I get some tips on how to use this product? I downloaded it because I had a guy put a new hard drive in my lap top and I have reason to believe that there is a keylogger on my system. Will Comodo and/or the Comodo community be able to help me find out if in fact this is the case and, if it is, what to do about it? I have McAfee already installed prior to finding this product and I won’t renew it , if that makes a difference. Looking forward to your tutelage.

Hi kblkbl,

The user’s manual Comodo Help should be a good start to get familiar with CIS.

Also, you should remove McAfee completely to avoid conflict with CIS. Two security softwares running at the same time is not advisable.

So you haven’t installed Comodo yet? You have McAffe installed? Sorry it’s not clear.

Anyway you could go to and install MalwareBytes and HitmanPro…and CCleaner.

Run CCleaner to clear out all the junk on you lap top.

Update and run MalwareBytes…a full scan…hopefully this will catch whatever you think you might have.

Then run HitmanPro…Hitman Pro offers you a Free Scan for a second opinion. When a virus is found, then you will receive a free 30-day license to remove the threat.

Then read this guide on how to configure Comodo…

Why do you think you have a keylogger?

A keylogger can only hurt you if it is able to make an outbound connection.
If you set the FW alert setting to very high, and the Defence+ setting to Paranoid, then anything
attempting an outside connection will be caught, and you will be asked to allow/deny it.
WARNING…it will ask about EVERYTHING…this will get annoying fast.

You can also control how long the alerts stay on your screen … the default is 120 seconds but you
can set it to as much as 999 seconds…this will give you plenty of time to investigate.

When an alert pops up, you can click on the files link and it will give you more info.

When in doubt, you can block it but make sure you don’t select “remember my decision”

You might think about sandboxing your browser…Sandboxie is my favorite, you can find it at as well.

just short in general:
download important software from trusted sources (real homepages, real magazines).
if you install an antivirus AFTER an infection, no one can be sure its results would reflect the actual status of infection.
never run an outdated antivirus because you dont want to renew it. use a good free one instead.

this will not get annoying fast. this will lay it in your hands what you allow or not. and you can easily customise the rule set, so one program will run without additional questions.

what really gets ANNOYING FAST: to have the fear of something could phone out and transmit your passwords.

firewall custom mode
defense+ safe mode
and look through each setting window to maximise the function.

Thanks for the replies. Yes, I have installed Comodo. Yes, I still have a paid up subscription to McAfee. I am worried about a keylogger because my computer was out of my possession on more than one occasion and in the hands of people who have the expertise and the access to programs like keyloggers. I may just be paranoid but, well, I may be paranoid.

I am having a hard time deciphering exactly what Comodo is doing on my system. It has blocked a LOT of incoming things all from the same source IP and all to the same destination IP. I just cannot tell if it is affected by a keylogger.

I think a good option would be to format and re install windows. As you just got a new HDD, I presume you don’t have a lot of softwares installed right now. Doing this will put your mind at peace as you’ll start with a clean system and the nasties that your feared the guy may have put on your laptop will vanish with the formatting process.