No video's while on


I’m having a consistent problem regardless of which browser I use, getting video’s from to play, so I’m guessing that this may be related to the (Comodo) Firewall, or BOCleaner.

For the record, I’m running Avira Anti Virus (v, Webroot Spy Sweeper (v 5.5), Comodo Firewall (v DBv 3), and BOClean (v 4.25)

This system is running Windoze XP Professional with up to date service packs. The processor is an AMD Mobile processor (don’t know the “model”, it’s listed as “unknown processor”), running at 998 mhz., according to System Properties, with 1 GB of RAM. (System was built for me about 2 years ago, by a good friend of mine.

I have FireFox (v, Netscape Browser 8.1, Opera, and, as a last resort, Internet Explorer. And I’ve tried all of them on FoxNews. I can see the pages just fine, but cannot get a video to play.

I have not tried other video sites, such as YouTube, etc.

I’m not a “techie”, though I do know my way around a computer pretty well, so I may have left something out…

(By the way, I’m “sold” on Comodo… My friend is almost finished building me another system, with an AMD Opteron 64 (I think the number is right…), and I’m having him load it with Comodo Firewall and BOClean. I’ll likely go with Kaspersky AV on that one, in addition to the Webroot SpySweeper.)

Some causes of fox news videos not playing are:

  1. flash player plugin not installed
  2. and blocked by a host file or noscript addon (firefox)
  3. ad blocking sometimes in browsers

Foxnews videos require these ( which I don’t like ). Google search your problem. I don’t have a problem with comodo blocking Foxnews videos. Make sure #1,#2, and #3 are not causing your problem.

Hope that helps…