No Problems

Thank you once again for a product that overwhelms me. I put it on both my daughters machines and we all have different needs and no problems with Vista, Windows 7 or Windows xp.

I had a lot of time to make sure it was as good as 3 still is on Matousec. It was, I had no doubt. We have have no trouble with sandbox. The programs run perfectly from there. I use music software and plug ins, my daughters are into pics, movies, cell phones, etc, now that’s a big surprise.

I did one thing different this time and decided other that the initial setup of proactive security, safe network defense, safe firewall and stateful virus and left it alone. I do my scans everyday as well as keeping the machine clean.

It you have and other suggestions please inform me. I use the registry cleaner and computer cleaner and no problems there either. I haven’t had to go back once and restore the registry.

Thank you.!!!

for post like that, i think there need to be a new place in this forum … like ‘Our pride & glory’ ^^