I have downloaded both firewall and antivirus soft, given different e-mail addresses however no activation code has arrived !! It seems that page!PlaceOrder
is not working - The page cannot be displayed. Any chance that activation code is sent directly to e-mail address (see my registration). A.

Welcome to the forum!

And you have checked your spamfolders/spamfilters, so the mail wasn’t there?

Maybe you can send a support-ticket? More info at this link:,2972.0.html

Yes, Bluesman, I have checked them. I have received the confirmation email of login to this forum but no code.

It is quite annoying waiting and checking for the code. The soft is free, Comodo has received my name and email even before the download started and I really do not understand why the activation code for a free soft is needed.

Although this firewall has received positive reports I am forced not to use it. Therefore, AVG Free and ZoneAlarm Free will be my security until Comodo find out how to remedy his system (or problems) with code activation (sending).

I have to point out my regrets that a decent work to which surely a number of dedicated persons have contribuited are somehow blocked by a request (activation) that should not be associated with something that is called FREE product.

Anyway, best luck in the future ! A.


If you want, I’ll get the CPF activation code for you & then forward it to you via email.

Thank you, kail !

It would be very nice from you, I will appreciate your support.

I am sending you email so you could reply easily. And, BTW, is it possible to add also Antivirus activation code ?

Best regards and thanks in advance, A.

Both CPF & CAVS. OK, give me a few minutes.


Although, it did take me 2 attempts to get the CPF activation code.

I have had this problem frequently when I have had to re-install Comodo Firewall, and this time is unfortunately not an exception.

I have already gone to the proper page to request an activation code 4 plus times. I have attempted to request an activation code using three different email addresses.

I have never received any response to my request. I do not understand why this should be such a problem scenario.

It’s just an simple activation request, after all. And no, I am not having comodo mails going into my spam box. They are simply not arriving.

If someone can help me resolve this problem, I would appreciate it.

dionisiog, welcome.

Activation code? For the firewall ??? I haven’t seen CFP require this since back in the old 2.3 version days… The moment you install 2.4 or higher, it’s self-activated.

A-ha y A-ha, or as Moe would say… “Ahhhh ! A Wise Guy!”

When my system occasionally needs ‘refreshing’ (e.g. format hard drive and begin again) I usually utilize versions which I have previously downloaded of Comodo. One of my XP Systems is probably not supported by the newer version of Comodo, I would guess. Since it is becoming sort-of purpose-less to have the older version installed (after all, I did eventually get over losing the DOS system…) perhaps that would equally resolve this issue?

The extra space could be useful.

Thank You and Thanks for the Welcome.

XP is still currently the most used OS (or at least I feel it is), so it’s definitely supported by all versions of CFP. The only thing that I can imagine that’s not allowing you install CFP is the lack of at least Service Pack 2.

[b]CFP 3.0 System Requirements[/b] Windows XP (SP2) 32 bit version Windows XP 64 bit version Windows Vista 32 and 64 bit versions
[b]CFP 2.4 - System Requirements[/b] Windows XP - 32 bit version Windows 2000 - 32 bit version Windows Server 2003 - 32 bit version