No Disc in the drive ??

Hi, Hope you can help…since i installed the new version of cis, i have the following msg when i open the Dragon browser
`There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into \Device\Harddisk1\DR1¨ and once DR2 at the end.
If i click on continue button 5 times Dragon opens and seems to run normally.
I tried reinstalling and also a repair option from the a link in the dragon forum but still grt the same result.
I have version running on Vista and also have an IE but havent used it much since i got Comodo about 3-4yrs ago…
I have only CIS running and defender is off. HD is partioned into C & D.

Hi Super FX,
Try clearing the downloads cache within dragon?

The Ole Downloads Cache in Dragon eh ??!
Worked Perfectly !!
Thanks for the Quick Reply and great work with Comodo !!

All the best to you, glad it worked. :slight_smile: