
Hello im a newbie love the firewall just installed it does it update auto with each new version? like the GUI too most are ugly this is nice, anyhow no problems yet on Lan DSL!

Think its great its free too lifetime. good work ill pass the news to my friends (:CLP)

Hi and welcome,

If you have the option ‘Automatically check for updates’ on (under ‘security’>>‘advanced’ tab) then CPF will download them automatically. This option is on by default. Alternativeley, you can check manually by opening CPF and clicking the updater button on the top right corner.

You may want to know the next version (2.3) should be out next Tuesday.

Again welcome to Comodo and the forums,


Glad you like the firewall! Also don’t forget to checkout the Comodo Antivirus program, I believe the 2.0 release date is September 18th

Ahh, been wondering when that was being released. I will be looking foreward to it as well.



Remember that this is a date that Comodo is shooting for and is not yet carved in stone, it is possible that there may be some delays on the release, however this is the best date we have at the moment ;). Remember if they postpone the release it is for a good reason :).

Maybe they can carve it in Paul’s head… it’s made out of wood… :wink: :smiley:
If it doesn’t work, and they get delayed, they can just burn it! ;D