Newbie here: COMODO wants to scan at bootup bur gives this message

Here is the message I receive on my laptop when COMODO tries to scan upon startup: c:\programdata\comodo\CisDumps\
send to

I cannot send out from my laptop as I have to email program at this time, so this email is sent from my pc.

I have access to the outside world as it shows I am connected to my router. Wife’s laptop works fine…but

when trying to open my browser(s) I eventually receive this message: “(url) either temporarily down or moved to a new web address.” Have tried different site addresses to no avail.

Can anyone give me a helping hand?
Much appreciated. :frowning:

NOTE: I have had this laptop and used COMODO for about two weeks already prior to this happening.

The email address is not working.

This crash is worth an official bug report. Please consider filing a bug report in the Bug Reports - CIS board following the format as described in FORMAT & GUIDE - just COPY/PASTE it!.

Please attach crash dump to your report.

Newbie confusion reigns…how am I to send anything or copy/paste anything to you guys when I have no email address working?

What else can i tell you; I received a Comodo internet security error report, usual msg, I assume. I plugged in that I was booting up the laptop and cannot open any browser I use(FF/Ch). I clicked on see what this report contains - CRASH.DMP Crash Dump DMP file 50kb

No where to send copy/paste when I have no net/mail working…

It is paramount to have this resolved by this evening CDT.

Thanks again.

I overlooked the fact you are also having problems connecting to the web. What version of CIS are you currently using?

Since when do you have the problem with connecting to the web? If it happened after updating to v 5.5 then temporarily disable ARP cache protection and see if that makes your connection work again. Then run the CIS program updater to get the update to a newer version that fixes the problem with ARP cache protection.

It is is not the ARP cache protection problem then see if No network connection after using Stealth Ports Wizard (DHCP Broken) helps to fix the problem.


Again, Newbie here!
Have no idea what you are talking about.
I’m assuming it is a COMODO problem; am I wrong?
Started having problems connecting to the web when booting up (just before I started this thread)…

This has never happened to anybody here that you guys are aware of?
Anyone else there can help me?

Frustration setting in…

Since when do you have problems connecting to the internet? How long have you used CIS? Did it work before?

We realize how frustrating it is. Please bear with us while we try to build a mental picture of what has happened, what is happening and what to do to try and correct it.

As Eric asked,

What version of CIS are you running? We need to know this.
Had you attempted to update to the latest version?
If so, did you go through TWO reboots, as the latest update is a two stage process?

To disable the ARP cache protections, as Eric suggested, open CIS, click FIREWALL and select FIREWALL BEHAVIOUR SETTINGS. In the FIREWALL BEHAVIOUR SETTINGS window, click the ADVANCED tab and deselect the first option “Protect the ARP cache” and click OK. Reboot and test your internet connection again.

Hope this helps,
Ewen :slight_smile:

You guys need to hold ‘newbies’ by the hand and this may not take so long.
After much searching found the version is 2.0.32580.1142

Don’t really recall if there was any attempt to any updates…

So, now, you are requesting I do this next “To disable the ARP cache protections, as Eric suggested, open CIS, click FIREWALL and select FIREWALL BEHAVIOUR SETTINGS. In the FIREWALL BEHAVIOUR SETTINGS window, click the ADVANCED tab and deselect the first option “Protect the ARP cache” and click OK. Reboot and test your internet connection again??”

Let’s keep this communication going quickly…

want me to hook up to your computer though teamviwer and help you setup a new version? If so let me know.

All you mods, three now, agree on this procedure?

Apparantly I need a newer version.
I am at my PC and this problem, obviously, is at the laptop.

Lets go ahead


Hi Hoophead. Is this version showing correct. If so it is very old and I would consider dowloading the latest version Here
After downloading I would uninstall the old version, reboot and then set the new versions installer into action.
Hope all works for you. Kind regards.

download this and run it

pleas PM me your teamviewer id and password so I can hook up, please have things turned off that are not needed that are using the internet.

Correction; version is 5.0.32580.1142

Still awaiting on the hook up to your computer though teamviwer and help you setup a new version, per another mod, languy

Let’s hurry and polish this off tonight, OK??

Ok, if you are referring to the unit that is having this problem, and I am thinking you are, I have no internet access and therefore unaware how to accomplish that; this has been mentioned a few times already…id is snip

how it is hooked up to the net? Also don’t post your forum password here please, I asked for the teamviwer password. Try uninstalling comodo and restarting the machine and let me know if you have access then.

Let's hurry and polish this off tonight, OK??


Can I respectfully point out that 1) you are using FREE software and 2) we are all volunteers here.

I’m certain that none of the people here mind giving their time, but people demaning it win few friends.

You catch more flies with honey than vinegar mate. Take it easy on those trying their best to help you.

Ewen :frowning: