New Scan Profile

Hi. I am new to this forum and new to CIS. I have installed the latest CIS 3.5. It is working extremely well. However, when I try to create a new scan profile, I see only the desktop items and C: drive. When I expand C: drive, I see only Control Panel, no other drive contents. I am runnung Windows XP SP2.

Can you take a screen shot please?

Yes, it is attached. Actually, it does not even show C: drive. It Shows My Computer.

[attachment deleted by admin]

What do you find if you scroll down H_Seldon? What we see there is only what icons you have on your desktop.


That’s correct. Only desktop icons. Expanding Control Panel reveals all control panel items only.

Hmm, have you tried uninstalling Comodo Internet Security, using a cleaning tool such as CCleaner. Restarting then re-installing?

Not yet. I should mention I only installed the Antivirus, not the Firewall.

O.K. I uninstalled and re-installed the Antivirus. There is no change. This is not a show stopper because I can scan files and folders from the shell context menu in Explorer. Also, after installing, the Summary page indicated definitions had been updated. In fact, my internet connection was disabled at the time. I also tested using SSUPDATER’s last Do-it-Yourself test. This test included 5000 samples. The samples were archived in RAR file. Apparently Comodo doesn’t handle archive scanning too well yet. It only scanned 2 files. I disabled detection, extracted to Test Folder, and re-enabled detection. I scanned and quarantined all detections. There were 195 files left in Test Folder. This gives Comodo a 96% detection and removal rating for this particular test.

Here’s another update. I was able to create a new scan profile by dragging one of the files\folders shown in the left panel over to the right panel. Then I right-clicked on the entry and selected Edit… I then modified the entry to the folder I really wanted to scan on my C: drive (which doesn’t show in the left panel). I did this for each item I wanted to include in the scan. Now it shows up in the profiles menu. I still don’t know why items are not shown in the left panel, but this is an easy work around.

Revo unistaller is capapable of doing a very thorough uninstalling job. After unisntalling with the program’s installer it will scan disk and registry for leftovers. It is a freeware tool.

Please tell, your OS type.
Do you use administration account?
Do you have any custom windows security policies for your drives?
What other drives are under your ‘‘My computer’’?
Do you use any drive utilities?
If you use VISTA does UAC is enabled?

Also go Defence+ → Common Tasks → My protected Files → Add… → Browse
is this browser has the same issue?