New Certificates for 2 sites. and Windows Live Mail [ANSWERED]

I ordered the 2 Certificates, and they were approved, I received 2 e-mail, one for each e-mail address. I had to click on a button to download the Certificate, and it said it was installed on both e-mail addresses. Problem is I can’t see that it was installed in Windows Live mail. This is what I use for all my e-mail. It also told me to save a copy of these Certificates, but I have no idea where they went, or where it was installed.

I know Windows live mail has a place to put the certificates, if I can find them.

Can anyone help me find out where they were install?


If you go to the CSE configuration centre - Start ~ Programs ~ Comodo ~ SecureEmail ~ Configuration and look on the certs tab you will find them there if you installed CSE in ‘Network’ or ‘all other email clients’ mode.

If you installed in Outlook Only mode, I guess they will be there too, but won’t be effective in WLM.

In network mode CSE intercepts comms from email clients rather than inserting itself into them.

Thanks for the response, The Certificates were not there. I asked tech Support, and was able to find them.

Thanks for your help.


Hmm puzzling…

I guess then you are not using Comodo Secure Email?

Would appreciate knowing, cos if you are there’s a problem with CSE I guess.

Thanks for feedback :slight_smile:
