"Network firewall is not functioning properly!"

this is what Comodo firewall device says, then when I run the diagnostic it says, “diagnotsics utility did not find any problems with your installation”.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled it 2 times yet I still have a non functioning firewall.

Anyone have any ideas or advice?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hello freezette,

Can you tell us what OS version you are using including language and if it’s 32/64 bits.

Have you checked the Windows Eventlog (system/application) to see if there are “Errors or Warnings” related to cmdagent or inspect.

I have the same problem as freezette. Uninstalled CIS and reinstalled it and it worked beautifully for two days, evening with the updates. Now it says application agent is not running and the diagnostics comes up with no problem. I am running XP - am not an expert so would be grateful to explain in easy language!

Hi Ronny,

Sorry should have posted info originally.

Windows XP, SP3, 32 bit english, not at my problem computer at the moment but will attempt to check the event log when I can.

Also a bit of background info, my computer recently crashed due to what I believe was a virus, all I had was a blank screen with just a cursor even in safe mode. I found a fix on the internet and have my desktop and task bar back but am having many problems on the computer now, the firewall being just one of many.

Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated, and if a HJT log or anything alse is needed, just let me know. I am not so computer literate but I am learning.

Thank you :smiley:

Okay checked my event log…Applications contains nothing and a pop up informs me “Event log file is corrupt”, not surprised on that one.

System event file has nothing in it applicable to the firewall, no entries since wednesday the 12th.

I also uninstalled and installed Comodo again today earlier and still have the same problem.

Hope this can help with a diagnosis. :frowning:

Hello Freezette,

I think it would be wise to at least run a check disk on you harddrive(s) to let windows see if it finds error’s on the disk.

In the (File) Explorer, right click on your harddisk icon (C: ) Properties, Tools, Error Checking, Tick both options.
It will prompt you that it will need to reboot to check the drive, close all applications and reboot, now it will start checking your disk on startup, that could take a while…

After that is finished you can check this post from Xan to see if there is still some infectious stuff left: