Need to ensure Comodo starts immediately after NIC drivers come up

It would appear that my antivirus comes up before Comodo. Of course I understand that I’m just seeing the trays coming up in that order, first the antivirus tray, then the comodo tray. But that still leaves one wondering, that wants to ensure they know that the firewall comes up “immediately” after the drivers for the NIC, that nothing could access the net, slip past the gate guard, if you will, in this case the comodo sentry.

Does anyone know of a program that not only ensures I know that the Comodo sentry is the first at the gate, so as to guard “all” that may try to enter or exit, as well as being capable of changing the startup sequence, (load order), to ensure comodo always remains the first, on the scene. Please pardon the military metaphor, but I’m sure you understand, right? :wink:

Thanks in advance, to all those that care to give their precious time and respond, the only thing we’ll all eventually want more of, for sure, Right?

To be sure, you could always leave your NIC disabled until you start up your machine and everything loads…

In my case,it does not block connecting attempt when NIC is loaded.I have a updater program on Startup that I have blocked that,but randomly connects before Comodo being loaded.