Need help with computer real quick

I’ve been noticing few things on my computer lately so, I did the following

installed CPF 2.4
Install Avast Antivirus Home Ed.
Installed superantispyware
downloaded All updates for these programs and Download Dss (Deckard system scanner)
and took a scan… Is there any thing else I should use on this computer?

I was looking at my Uninstall list for windows and this what it looks like well the part i have trouble

There’s two things of one software is that bad or good?

[attachment deleted by admin]

New Question

I have Avast antivirus, cpf, boclean, Advance windows care(Iobit), Iobit defrag, spyware blaster, ccleaner…

is there anything else I’m missing in regards of Security or performance Recommendations?

Hi CGPMaster.

First, what is the question, exactly. with regard to your first post?
Second, what, exactly, are you trying to achieve in your second post?


I assume you are talking about Spyware/Adware/Performance.

Here are my suggestions:
a) You may want to try Trillian ( it uses less RAM than other messengers.
b) Be careful with Limewire/Bit Torret, you could download virus/spyware on accident.
c) Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer: General if you have IE 7 there is no need for the Toolbars. In fact I hate all toolbars, but it is your option to keep it or not :D.
d) Adobe Acrobat: It used to be good software. It has become bloatware lately you may want to try FoxIt Reader (locate via
e) Do you have SpyBot Search And Destroy? You may want to Immunize IE with the program.
f) Are you wanting Classic Windows Look? Click Start → Control Panel → Taskbar & Start Up–> Start Menu → Classic View. (Click OK)

Find My Computer (Start → My Computer or on Desktop) Click Properties Select Advanced Tab Select Custom & Uncheck all boxes.

Have a wonderful day! :slight_smile:
