I’ve gotten the seal on my website and it works great! The only problem I have is positioning it so it looks OK. I want to place it on the right side in my header. I am using prestashop. I was hoping it would be some simple CSS but it appears to not be working. Could someone please help me in adding in the positioning Java Script code so I can get this fixed? I’m looking for a setting that would be similar to the HTML margin right: 30px etc… Thanks! I’ve pasted the code below and I’m most interested in the positioning of the line:
TrustLogo(“http://www.nesgamestore.com/themes/nestheme/img/comodo_secure.png”, “CL1”, “none”);
- Copy and Paste the following piece of code and insert EXACTLY before your tag.
- Copy and Paste the following piece of code and insert EXACTLY before your tag.