Name resolution on port xxx error.?

Hi sorry i dont have a screenshot forgot to take one so ill try to describe as best as i can anyway when i try to receive mail in outlook 2007 i get a pop up saying that some type of name resolution could not happen on port 995 for my gmail account and that secure connection might not exist and would i like to continue anyway or cancel.
i want to know how i fix this error as i have the ports open already in CIS. please help. thanks in advance.


We are looking into this problem now.

We need some additional details:

  1. OS version
  2. Comodo SecureEmail version
  3. Can you explain what behaviour your mail client after this warning?
  4. How often this warning shows and does this problem reproducible?

do you mean that you’re not blocked these ports in CIS?

I hope we’ll resolve this problem soon.

Thanks in advance.

Regards, Eugene.

  1. OS is Windows Vista 32-Bit SP1 build 6001
  2. Version
  3. If I click continue or yes (not sure check attachment for right button) it works fine but if i click no or cancel it doesn’t work.
  4. The first time outlook 2007 is launched and downloads mail in a Windows session cant be reproduced until reboot of pc might be able to if you just log off windows not sure though have not tried this.
    5.Yes The ports in CIS Are not blocked they are open in a port set and also open on my router.

Thanks for the quick reply Eugene.

Regards Louis.

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