MyDLP - Regras não estão funcionando

Instalei o MyDLP Commiunity Editon, mas as regras customizadas não funcionam.
O “default rule” funciona legal, logando por tamanho do arquivo.
Alguém poderia me ajudar?

Deployed MyDLP Community Edition, but the custom rules do not working.
The “default rule” works fine, logging by file size.
Could anyone help me?

same here. trying to recollect and read older logs doesn’t work oke
I changed the default logfile size, perhaps it’s that? But I cannot get it right…
sorry my Purtuguese = 0
grteeings Biteater

A bug, perhaps.
Try to back to default size.

See u soon.
Good luck!

Poderia dizer os passos que você fez?


Hi, MaxdeLong
I have set the log file size to 20MB.
When you ask to load an older log the program jumps to the directory where you have placed the CIS settings backup;
though this did not help too eventually.
Probably a bug as some one suggested too…

[size=12pt]HEY, someone out there at COMODO’s, using the logfiles is important![/size]

greetings Biteater

Instalei o virtual appliance com MyDLP (versão Community).
Criei algumas regras customizadas, mas não funcionam.

Acredito que o problema seja parâmetro em algum arquivo, pois a regra de “default rule” está funcional.

Desde já,