My Wish!

When you right click on the shield on the bottom right of your computer, you pull up a menu which has antivirus security level and firewall security level and all the rest. I guess for ease of use so you don’t have to open up the firewall to select or deselect the most used options. Why is there no run a scan option and as a sub menu what type of scan you will want to do. The one option that most people will use day to day is not there for ease of use, so you have to open up the firewall then select run a scan then select what kind of scan you want and after all that then it will scan.

From your explorer window, you can right click on any file or folder and have CIS run a scan.
Why place it in the tray icon menu when it is easier to use from within explorer?

I am not talking about a context sensitive scan I am talking about a full scan. As I did put on my first post The one option that most people will use day to day is not there for ease of use, so you have to open up the firewall then select run a scan then select what kind of scan you want and after all that then it will scan. I doubt you can choose what type of scan you want on a context sensitive scan.