My Windows and/or desktop shortcut icons are not displaying correctly. How do I

Windows Icons are corrupted, or incorrect.


  1. You’re Windows icons appear as question mark “?” icons, or as red X icons instead of the default icons.
  2. All your shortcut icons which have been changed to .LNK files

Recommended Troubleshooting steps:

I. For Windows XP, follow the troubleshooting steps below:

a. Click Start, click Run
b. type regsvr32 /i mshtml.dll
c. Click OK or press the ENTER key.
i. Windows also has a Microsoft Fixit for this issue on Windows XP, if the steps above do not resolve the issue, you may download it from this link Bing

II. For Windows 7 users, you may follow the troubleshooting steps below:
a. Close all programs
b. Click Start, click Run
c. Type %userprofile%, hit Enter.
d. Open the AppData folder
e. Open the Local folder
f. Delete the IconCache.db file
g. Restart the computer.
i. Alternatively you can also use CMD to execute the same task.

  1. Click the Start button , use Search box, type “CMD”, use arrow keys to highlight “CMD” and hold down Ctrl+Shift and hit Enter, once prompted confirm to run as Administrator.

  2. Type the command: cd /d %userprofile%\AppData\Local , hit Enter

  3. Type DEL IconCache.db /ah, hit Enter.
    h. Close this command window and restart the computer.

  4. For Comodo Internet Security follow the steps below:
    a. Ensure that your POP Server settings are allowed. Go to Advanced Settings, Firewall Settings, and then Port Sets
    b. Your computer sends and receives data to other computers and to the Internet through a port. There are over 65,000 numbered ports on every computer - with certain ports being traditionally reserved for certain services. For example, your machine almost definitely connects to Internet using port 80 and port 443. By default most e-mail client software connects to your email provider’s mail server through port 25.
    c. Additionally, you may check if your email client’s executable has to be added unto your Antivirus’ Exclusion Applications list Exclude Files / Applications to Scan, PC Antivirus | Internet Security v7.0

  5. For users of Symantec products you may refer to this link (Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition - Symantec Enterprise).

  6. For users of McAfee products you may refer to this link (

  7. For users of Trend Micro products, you may refer to this link (Support | Trend Micro Help Center.

  8. You may also refer to the manufacturer’s website/documentation on how to configure the permission/exemptions list of ports and applications.

III. Contact GeekBuddy Support
a. You can reach us through 855-301-4475.
b. Or if already a GeekBuddy Customer, you can chat with a live help expert through the client chat application installed on your PC. Simply indicate your issue as “Windows/Desktop shortcut icons are not displaying correctly”, or simply as “Windows icons corrupted or incorrect”.

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