My Protected COM Components . . .

Doing some exploring of Comodo’s settings and find some interesting entries. Under “My Protected COM Components” there seems to be two entries of same data, one is under “Internet Explorer/Windows Shell” and is “{9BA05972-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39}” and the other entry is under “Miscellaneous Classes”, why should there be two of the same?

In doing a search in the registry for that braises enclosed number I find another that is very similar and is also MS related and is only one digit off, should that entry under “Miscellaneous Classes” be amended to the other number that is only one digit off? The other number is “{9BA05971-F6A . . .”

Thank you for reading my inquiry,

It is indeed a duplicate.

I think there are (many) more MS related classes. Until further notice I assume that class does not need to be protected.