My little contribution

(L) I’m so happy with Comodo that I’ve decided to make a little page on my site as
a contribution… (B)
It’s a bilingual site from Canada.
Thank you Melih!

Thank you Ramo27 :slight_smile:

we really appreciate it.


Yay, that sounds nice, and hopefully people will leave ZA for a million times better product called Comodo Firewall PRO ;D

I’ve been using Za for about five years too, then because is was getting bloaded more and more and inneffective some times I’ve changed for SunbeltKerioPersonalFirewall… It was okay but I’m kind of getting tired to pay so when I’ve heard about Comodo I triend it and loved it.
I just have to finish my subscription with Avast (paid) then I’ll try your antivirus, hoping it will be all right.

Please excuse my english, I’m french canadian.

Thanks a million for such a beautiful software!