My Israel Number

Hello to all

what number I must give a man if he without a code and whether he is needed in general . I need to send a fax with Israel on my trustfax. Good Regards Serjio

soo comodo crew i need help with this problem , i have to send fax on my trustfax from israel

Trustfax will allow you to send faxes when you are in Israel. Trustfax is located in the US and you can send faxes to the US and Canada by entering 1 the area code and phone number. If you are sending a fax outside of the US and Canada, you start the phone number with 011 followed by the country code and phone number. For example, 011-44-161-874-7070.
Here is a link to the trustfax user guide to detailed insructions on how to send a fax using the trustfax website and faxing using your email:

Receiving a fax from outside the US and Canada requires that you have a trustfax account with a local US fax number. Trustfax toll-free fax numbers can only accept fax from the US and Canada. If you must receive international faxes, you should switch your account to a Trustfax pro or premium local number plan. Local plans will also allow you to have a second number on the account. The second number can be your existing toll-free number (there is an additional cost for a second number).