My First Post on this forum

Hi All,
I’ve just registered onto this forum and this is my first post – I’m a Kiwi (NZ) and have been using Comodo BO Clean 4.25 for approx 3 weeks – it hasn’t picked up anything at the moment so i can only hope it stays like this – but at least having this product gives me another guard against those nasties out there. I read about these products in other forums where they were recommended to people who needed a good firewall and anti-malware product. – Keep up the goodwork


G’day Mr. Green,

Welcome (from an Aussie to a Kiwi) to the forums.

BOClean is brilliant at catching intrusions at the instant they try to start, but please bear in mind it should be used in conjunction with an anti virus package.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to post. There’s a great bunch of people on here with an exceptionally broad range of experience and knowledge. If you feel you can contribute, feel free to hop on in - everyone’s opinion is welcome here.

Ewen :slight_smile:

P.S> See you in the finals of the World Cup. :wink:

Welcome :smiley:

Welcome to the forum (CLY)

Greetings, and welcome to the forum!


(:WAV) hi to the forum


Welcome buddy.

Welcome to your forum. (I felt like joining in the welcome’s, which we haven’t had this many for one thread since 2006).

Hi m8, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Overviewing your security setup, I think Comodo Memory Guardian ( = buffer overflow protection ) could be interesting for you as well :

Greetz, Red.

hi Mr Green, welcome!! (:HUG)
tho i like red, as a crazy fan of Manchester United! (:LOV)

Sorry for the delay in answering as I had forgotten where I had put this post — Ewen thanks for that – here’s hoping we do meet in the worldcup finals - southafrica is looking very good at this stage – To all the rest of you who have welcomed me to this forum – thanks very much I appreciate it – I usually check into the forum at least once a day for a quick look.

Catch ya all later


(:WAV)welcome back mr.Green
you don’t need to remember where you post, just click “new replies to your post” on “user info” box, under COMODO logo up there.


mrgreen, also let me welcome you to the Comodo family! As Ewen has pointed out, this is a great resource of knowledge and experience. See you soon!


uhmm, regarding this, can we haf a section for football betting knowledge and xperience…? :slight_smile:

and porn site safe surf ;D (we both would be BANNED!!!)

Hmm, the moderators will have to discuss this, but you shouldn’t hope too much! :wink:
(at least we have the off topic board)