MULTI-LANGUAGE Version (COMODO System Utilities)


 We've finally launched CSU 4.0. We have partial translations from the old CSC, but there are a lot of new strings that are not translated. So, one again we ask for your help. 

I’ve attached the English translation and the partial translations of the other languages that we support.

The ENGLISH language pack can be also be considered the TEMPLATE for any new language translation. Just get that pack, edit the files with Wordpad or any other editor that supports UNICODE. After that pack everything into one ZIP file and name it .zip.

We appreciate all the help that you’ve been giving us, and we hope that you’ll continue helping us.

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Yesterday I did a full Russian translation. But I translated the language file GUILANG_RUS.dll itself in the resource editor. If you want, just copy out all my translated strings into your attached file. I have no time for that, sorry. Because I have a birthday today :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much!

Korean :wink:

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Thank you! It will be in this week’s update.

Can I take the Swedish file and continue there?