MSN suspicious behavior


I had a strange alert… ???
I am wondering if it means that msnmsgr.exe is trying to use Thunderbird to send email ? (The IP is the GMail’s SMTP) I made a virus/spyware scan and no problem…

Thanks for your help :wink:

Severity :High Reporter :Application Behavior Analysis Description: Suspicious Behaviour (thunderbird.exe) Application: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe Parent: C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe Protocol: TCP Out Destination: Details: C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\msnmsgr.exe has tried to use C:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe through OLE Automation, which can be used to hijack other applications.

No, you don’t need to worry.
As long as you know that it’s known applications, there is nothing to worry about.
Be careful though, so you read the message, so that no malware is trying to use your “known” apps to send out to the net.
I know that sometimes it can be confusing, and to add to that, CFP does create some alerts that doesn’t seem to be correct.
In a simple explanation, it work’s like if you get a mail in thunderbird, with a link in the mail, and you click on that link, you will get an alert that Thunderbird is trying to use your browser to get out on the net. In that case it’s easy, since you know that you click the link in Thunderbird. You can tick the remember box in that case, and it should not ask you again.
In your case it can be more confusing, but I don’t think you are in trouble…