
mscorsvw.exe precompiles .NET assemblies in the background. How much time it take? My system is only 8GB full. Yesterday there was an update of .net through automatic windows update & from then this service is in taskmanager. I read that it will precompile & disappear.

The prob is that the system starts fine but the system runs sluggish till the automatic wireless connection appears in the taskbar & connects. This take app. 2 min. This delay is caused by this mscorsvw.exe. I know cause when I had installed .Net then too this prob appeared & disappeared when the precompiling was done & mscorsvw.exe disappeared from taskmanager.

How much time will it take on a 8GB full system? The system is total 55GB.


Just let it run; it will stop at one point.

I just updated a house mate’s laptop with I guess 4GB with Win 7 to Win 7 SP1. The mscorsvw.exe process after installation of SP1 was very active for about 20 minutes I guess.

Its been 2 days its still there. Previously too it was there for atleast 5 days. It takes a lot of time.


There is an issue in some cases with the latest updates to the .NET 4 framework. It seems random as it hasnt affected 3 7 pcs but of 2 XP installs it has made the start up on one stupidly long. Basically it just hangs at the picture of a field before explorer kicks in.
Very annoying but will have to do more messing with the effected pc to find which of the 2 updates was responsible. For now iv`e just set the service to start manually…

Is this on XP or 7 naren? as on 7 the .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319 should be set to Automatic (Delayed Start).

Its XP SP3. I dont have any prob with the startup nor any system slowdown . The only prob is that the automatic wireless connection in the taskmanager appears & connects late i.e every icon in the taskbar appears fine except wireless connecton. It takes app 2 min to appear & till then no internet connection. So for me the slowdown is this 2 min coz internet is not available. Even in the start - all programs - I can move to any program but the moment I place the cursor on connect to it stucks till wireless connection appears in the taskbar.

I know this prob is coz of .net & will disappear once the precompilation is done but its quite annoying. Previously too the .net installation gave me this prob & after the precompilation was done the prob disappeared.


mscorsvw.exe finished precompiling & disappeared & the system is back to normal now.
