moving old files

Today I got this email:

"Your uploaded files in our OLD cloud will no longer be available after January 15, 2014.

In order to avoid losing your uploaded files, please follow the instructions below:
1.Login to our old cCloud location at:
•If you don’t remember your password, reset here: Forget Password | COMODO Account Management
2.Download all your files
3.Login to our new cCloud location at:
•Use the same login and password
4.Upload all files again"

What the heck is this? Before I was told, comodo is migrating all of the files in a new server from old to new one. Now you are telling me I need to download all of my files and re-upload again? You must be joking around.

Secondly, I can login into new ccloud account but I can’t logged into old ccloud website and download my stuff either.

Please fix the issue.

We need to know your username to check this issue.


Hi I received the same e-mail, tried to log into the ‘Old Cloud’ website and I get a message saying “An error occurred! Please try again later!”

When I log into my ‘New Cloud’ account my old files are there?

If you require my username, please let me know and I will PM it :slight_smile:


yeah same issue as mine… I could get logged in sometimes but… still cant view files properly. It keeps on showing error…

But major disappointed for me was this message

Your uploaded files in our OLD cloud will no longer be available after January 15, 2014.

Please send me a private message with your usernames so we can check the issues.


It’s about to be 15th Jan, our files won’t be available after that as per email.

Is there something Comodo is going to do? How can I have my old files in new website? If I have to download all my files, and re-upload it, which is totally insane…

How can I download my folders? As far as I know, we can’t compressed and download folders, comodo doesn’t have that feature till now I guess and technically, we can’t download folders.

Please provide me proper solutions. I don’t want my files to be disappear and I don’t have great hi-speed internet to download all my files and re-upload it. Comodo should have thought about customers who don’t have hi-speed internet.

After this incident, I am in conclusion, that Comodo is not customer friendly company and I should have stick to Skydrive.

4 days have past, no reply… wtf… now I can’t even access my files… I find __old files in new website… but no files… have to login 2 times in new website… worst UX experience ever…

ccloud has just turn into crapware.

If you can do some good thing for me… provide me migration tool so that I can transfer my files into other better cloud services… fed up with ccloud…