Missing Files on Download

Hi, just found this forum whilst trying to solve my problem, hope it’s in the right section.

On downloading files to my Comp, some are missing, I presume, hidden in some way by Comodo. Even switching Comodo off, the same happens…these files are KeyGens, which I know sometimes are classed/detected as viruses.

Obviously needing these KeyGens, how could I alter Comodo’s settings to allow me access to the KeyGens just for installation, then reverse them to get back to normal configuration.

Thanks in Advance,


If these files are still hidden when CIS is disabled, then CIS isn’t doing anything with them.

Even with CIS enabled, it wouldn’t really hide any files. It might automatically quarantine them if you have it set to do that, but I think you would see a detection alert. (I don’t have it automatically quarantine, so I don’t know if it does or not)

Have you checked your quarantine list to see if these files may be listed there?

Have you checked your quarantine list to see if these files may be listed there?

Thanks Heffed, you are right, I’ve sorted it now, many thanks for your time & effort,