Mis-translation in "Arabic Translation" [V7][Trns]

CIS version:7.0.313494.4115
OS version:win 7 ,x32
What you did: Mis-translation in arabic translate
What you actually saw: …
What you expected to happen or see:…
A screenshot illustrating to GUI problem

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Thank you for reporting this. I am currently not entirely sure where to move reports which focus on mis-translations. Therefore, I have contacted Comodo staff and will respond to this report when I know how best to proceed.


ok , thanks

I found this mis also possible to add to the original topic

[attachment deleted by admin]

Thank you. For each of the places you found errors with, please state what it currently is, and what it should read.


Good day Sd Ahmad,

I am listing the strings you highlighted in the screenshots. In order to fix issues promptly, please provide translations you consider to be correct/more suitable.
Please note this needs to be done really quickly so that the devs have a corrected version of the language files on Monday 17 Mar.





Kind regards,
Alexander Suvak
COS Localization Coordinator

I will now move this report to the GUI Bug Reporting section.


hi all

These amendments correct




Thank you! I will pass them to our CIS translator.

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

If you are able please check with the newest version (CIS version and let me know if this is fixed on your computer with that version.

Thank you.