minimize to system tray

I must apologize for an inaccurate post where I asked about the splash screen. The splash screen is fine.
the problem is that the program no longer minimizes to the system tray after loading as it used to. The summary screen remains open till manually closed. I thought a reinstall would probably correct this, and if this is so,I need some clarification about the reinstall procedure. After a year and a half of use I have made many changes which I do not want to lose. If it is not necessary to remove before reinstall will my changes remain? If not, how can I save the files so I can copy them back after a reinstall?

Welcome to the forums esmo :slight_smile:
If you only have the summary screen problem you could try msconfig to see if you have two entries for cpf.exe.

There is only one entry for cpf.exe. Other than this annoyance the program seems to be running well.

As you do not want to lose your current settings do a System Restore point a Image would be better.
Which you can go back to if the export/import is not successful or the reinstall/repair.
There has been problems in the past it might not happen that is why I strongly recommend System Restore/Image

You can try first to reinstall/repair without uninstalling this has worked for others members but with different problems.

First before uninstalling export your configuration the one that is ticked which is your current one.
Then I would suggest uninstalling in Safe Mode (F8) reboot then install the latest version of CIS reboot.
Then import your config and reboot.
If this fails you have to use System Restore or the Image kept.

PS If someone has a better idea please post

I have the same problem - Running Windows XP and CFP3, the main screen GUI is not minimized on start-up. And I have two CFP3 settings in my startup per msconfig.exe - one for the firewall, one for Internet Security or something.
So I will fix that, but how can CFP install itself twice? Especially as I don’t have Internet Security?

You disable the Firewall one.

Esmo, do you use Ccleaner or Comodo Registry cleaner or any other software which monitors ‘Startup’ entries??

If yes, do check with it and make sure that the entry in start up contains -h at after ‘cfp.exe’

Example :

“c:\program files\comodo internet security\cfp.exe” -h