Microsoft Outlook 2007 and Microsoft Exchange

Hi all, after search a bit on my lunch break I have decided to post a topic. I recently installed (and since uninstalled) Comodo Pro. All worked well except for my email connection to my exchange server. While I did not play with it thoroughly, I had to uninstall it because I needed my email for work. Basically when attempting to connect to the Microsoft Exchange server, Outlook is stuck on “trying to connect to microsoft exchange server” and then it goes to a “disconnected” status after a few moments.

Is there some easy fix for this? Do I need to provide you with any information?

Please advise.

Thank you!

Hi all,
I 've been in the same situation. Everything is okay but my Outlook app., the words say that “Trying to connect to Microsoft Exchange” and “Disconnected” status appeared minutes after, I’ve tried to set the policy to allow all requests for the Outlook.exe, even disabled the firewall but it does not work. Must have any settings? B/c i’ve tried to add some common microsoft exchange ports on the port setting rules of POP3 / SMTP.

I’m running Isa Firewall Client to connect to internet, no window firewall. Would you please tell me what should i do or give me an advice to fix the problem, unless i must remove CFP app and forget it although i like is so much. (:SAD)

Thanks & Regards,

Set Outlook as “trusted app” in Computer security policy (under Defence+ /Advanced).

I had problems with users using Outlook 2007 with Exchange 2003 getting stuck in a Disconnected state, and it was linked to Cached Exchange mode. Not sure if your problem is the same thing or related, but you could try disabling the “Download shared folders” that is enabled by default when you use Cached Exchange mode. I have a post on my blog about it here: Ramblings o' Techie: Outlook 2007 stuck disconnected. It seems that Exchange has a 32 session MAPI limit, and for some reason Outlook 2007 will exceed that limit and have problems connecting to the server. I think the default lockout is 2 hours. If you want to double-check it, check your Exchange server event log for event ID 9646, or look at for more info. You can change the MAPI limit on the Exchange server if you want, but if it’s only a small number of users you may just want to uncheck that one setting. Good luck!