Memory usage

when i open multiple tabs memory usage rises as its normal (700-800mb it depend). The problem is that when i close most of the tabs (even when i leave just one) memory usage doesn’t remains that high.When i close IceDragon and reopen it memory is back to normal (250-260mb)
thank you and sorry for my bad english

windows 7 64b home premium
malwarebytes pro
comodo icedragon 18.0.1 portable

Hi and welcome kos1606,
Do you have any 3rd party extensions?
Could you please try CID in safe mode and see if the problem persists.
Go to Menu, Help, Restart with Add-ons Disabled.
Thank you.

…what is happening is normal - it will stay high until you close the program or app (in this case, exit the browser entirely) - what I would be concerned about, is if memory did not drop after that - when that happens, is because the “user profile hive” does not unload - another problem associated with this is slow shutdowns, as Windows would have to wait for the program to unload & release memory handles until the set timeout before forcing it to do so - XP is notorious for that, & Microsoft, guess what? has an app for that - LoL - UPHClean - Win Vista & above have that functionality built in - but here’s an article that explains all about that anyway - good read…

…P.S.: in other words, there is, nor has ever been, any negative issues in regards to memory usage, (call stack, loading, unloading, dumps), in either of the Comodo browsers, as far as “I” can see…

Next time you have the problem with memory not being released, type about:memory in the address bar and post the results. You may get a warning message bout heap memory, unfortunately this seems to consequence of using third-party clones of firefox.

hi and nice to meet you guys

i tried to open it in safe mode and addons disabled.It started at 50-52mb,opened 10-12 tabs ,it rised at 300-320mb,waited a couple of mins then closed everything except one tab,waited a couple of mins and memory stabilized at 240-250mb and didn’t drop.
i don’t know if it has anything to do with that but i have disabled cache ,just mention it

[at]madaghast i typed about:memory on safe mode after i closed the tabs and this is what i got

Main Process

WARNING: the ‘heap-allocated’ memory reporter does not work for this platform and/or configuration. This means that ‘heap-unclassified’ is not shown and the ‘explicit’ tree shows less memory than it should.

Explicit Allocations
72.26 MB (100.0%) – explicit
├──26.15 MB (36.19%) ── network-memory-cache
├──22.14 MB (30.64%) – js-non-window
│ ├──14.76 MB (20.43%) – compartments
│ │ ├──13.00 MB (17.99%) – non-window-global
│ │ │ ├──11.93 MB (16.51%) ++ (142 tiny)
│ │ │ └───1.07 MB (01.48%) ++ compartment([System Principal], chrome://browser/content/browser.xul)
│ │ └───1.76 MB (02.44%) – no-global
│ │ ├──1.76 MB (02.43%) – compartment(atoms)
│ │ │ ├──0.96 MB (01.34%) ++ gc-heap
│ │ │ ├──0.79 MB (01.09%) ── string-chars/non-huge
│ │ │ └──0.00 MB (00.00%) ── other-sundries
│ │ └──0.01 MB (00.01%) ── compartment([System Principal], about:memory)/other-sundries
│ ├───5.88 MB (08.14%) – gc-heap
│ │ ├──5.58 MB (07.73%) ── decommitted-arenas
│ │ └──0.30 MB (00.41%) ++ (3 tiny)
│ └───1.50 MB (02.07%) ++ runtime
├───9.50 MB (13.15%) – storage
│ ├──9.50 MB (13.15%) – sqlite
│ │ ├──7.18 MB (09.94%) – places.sqlite
│ │ │ ├──6.84 MB (09.47%) ── cache-used [4]
│ │ │ └──0.34 MB (00.47%) ++ (2 tiny)
│ │ └──2.32 MB (03.21%) ++ (8 tiny)
│ └──0.00 MB (00.00%) ++ prefixset
├───8.26 MB (11.43%) – window-objects
│ ├──4.19 MB (05.80%) – top(chrome://browser/content/browser.xul, id=6)/active
│ │ ├──4.14 MB (05.73%) – window(chrome://browser/content/browser.xul)
│ │ │ ├──2.44 MB (03.38%) – js/compartment([System Principal], about:blank)
│ │ │ │ ├──1.29 MB (01.78%) ++ (7 tiny)
│ │ │ │ └──1.15 MB (01.59%) ++ gc-heap
│ │ │ ├──0.95 MB (01.32%) ++ layout
│ │ │ └──0.74 MB (01.03%) ++ (3 tiny)
│ │ └──0.05 MB (00.07%) ++ window(about:blank)
│ ├──1.57 MB (02.18%) – top(none)/detached/window([system])
│ │ ├──1.57 MB (02.17%) – js/compartment([System Principal], about:blank)
│ │ │ ├──0.86 MB (01.19%) ++ gc-heap
│ │ │ └──0.71 MB (00.98%) ++ (4 tiny)
│ │ └──0.00 MB (00.00%) ── dom/other [2]
│ ├──1.33 MB (01.84%) – top(, id=15)/active
│ │ ├──1.10 MB (01.52%) ++ window(
│ │ └──0.22 MB (00.31%) ++ window(
│ ├──0.88 MB (01.22%) ++ top(about:memory, id=471)/active
│ └──0.29 MB (00.40%) ++ (2 tiny)
├───2.40 MB (03.32%) ++ (11 tiny)
├───1.82 MB (02.52%) ++ gfx
├───1.06 MB (01.47%) ── xpti-working-set
└───0.93 MB (01.28%) – startup-cache
├──0.93 MB (01.28%) ── mapping
└──0.00 MB (00.00%) ── data

Other Measurements
159 (100.0%) – js-compartments
├──153 (96.23%) ── system
└────6 (03.77%) ── user

27.48 MB (100.0%) – js-main-runtime
├──20.11 MB (73.17%) – compartments
│ ├──13.12 MB (47.74%) – gc-heap
│ │ ├───7.00 MB (25.47%) ── unused-gc-things
│ │ ├───2.24 MB (08.14%) – objects
│ │ │ ├──1.44 MB (05.26%) ── function
│ │ │ └──0.79 MB (02.89%) ── non-function
│ │ ├───1.81 MB (06.58%) – shapes
│ │ │ ├──1.03 MB (03.76%) ── tree
│ │ │ ├──0.48 MB (01.75%) ── base
│ │ │ └──0.30 MB (01.08%) ── dict
│ │ ├───1.30 MB (04.72%) ── scripts
│ │ ├───0.64 MB (02.33%) ── strings
│ │ └───0.14 MB (00.50%) ++ (3 tiny)
│ ├───2.84 MB (10.34%) ── script-data
│ ├───1.09 MB (03.95%) – shapes-extra
│ │ ├──0.56 MB (02.02%) ── compartment-tables
│ │ ├──0.33 MB (01.21%) ── tree-tables
│ │ └──0.20 MB (00.72%) ++ (2 tiny)
│ ├───0.88 MB (03.18%) ── analysis-temporary
│ ├───0.87 MB (03.18%) ── string-chars/non-huge
│ ├───0.85 MB (03.10%) – objects-extra
│ │ ├──0.82 MB (03.00%) ── slots
│ │ └──0.03 MB (00.11%) ++ (2 tiny)
│ └───0.46 MB (01.67%) ++ (6 tiny)
├───5.88 MB (21.39%) – gc-heap
│ ├──5.58 MB (20.31%) ── decommitted-arenas
│ ├──0.30 MB (01.08%) ── chunk-admin
│ └──0.00 MB (00.00%) ++ (2 tiny)
└───1.50 MB (05.44%) ── runtime

13.42 MB (100.0%) – js-main-runtime-gc-heap-committed
├───7.00 MB (52.16%) – unused
│ ├──7.00 MB (52.16%) ── gc-things
│ └──0.00 MB (00.00%) ++ (2 tiny)
└───6.42 MB (47.84%) – used
├──6.04 MB (45.05%) ── gc-things
├──0.30 MB (02.21%) ── chunk-admin
└──0.08 MB (00.58%) ── arena-admin

0 (100.0%) – low-memory-events
├──0 (100.0%) ── physical
└──0 (100.0%) ── virtual

2.91 MB (100.0%) – window-objects
├──1.90 MB (65.16%) – layout
│ ├──0.78 MB (26.82%) ── style-sets
│ ├──0.53 MB (18.24%) ── pres-shell
│ ├──0.27 MB (09.41%) ── frames
│ ├──0.12 MB (04.05%) ── style-contexts
│ ├──0.11 MB (03.88%) ── rule-nodes
│ ├──0.04 MB (01.43%) ── line-boxes
│ ├──0.04 MB (01.31%) ── pres-contexts
│ └──0.00 MB (00.02%) ── text-runs
├──0.58 MB (19.96%) – dom
│ ├──0.37 MB (12.65%) ── element-nodes
│ ├──0.13 MB (04.61%) ── other
│ ├──0.08 MB (02.66%) ── text-nodes
│ └──0.00 MB (00.03%) ++ (2 tiny)
├──0.43 MB (14.81%) ── style-sheets
└──0.00 MB (00.07%) ── property-tables

0.00 MB ── canvas-2d-pixel-bytes
0.00 MB ── gfx-d2d-surfacecache
0.00 MB ── gfx-d2d-surfacevram
0.00 MB ── gfx-d2d-vram-drawtarget
0.00 MB ── gfx-d2d-vram-sourcesurface
0.30 MB ── gfx-surface-win32
0 ── ghost-windows
0.12 MB ── images-content-used-uncompressed
19.00 MB ── js-gc-heap
0 ── low-commit-space-events
255.81 MB ── private
275.55 MB ── resident
1.66 MB ── shmem-allocated
1.66 MB ── shmem-mapped
9.50 MB ── storage-sqlite
471.37 MB ── vsize

i don’t have any problem if it holds the memory but i have noticed that after a couple of hours of browsing it gets a little bit slow and need to close and re-open it

Apologies for taking so long to reply, for some reason I missed your reply. Unfortunately, the about:memory didn’t really provide much information, however, it might be worth running:


And posting the results. Do this in normal mode with any extensions/plug-ins enabled. a couple of other things you can try - make these changes one at a time and test.

  1. In the address bar type about:config

  2. In the search bar type network.http.max-connections

  3. Change the value fro 256 to 8

  4. Restart browser and test

  5. Open Options/Advanced

  6. Disable Use hardware acceleration when available

  7. Restart browser and test


Disable/Remove any unused plug-ins/extensions
Clear history and compact the databases - use something like CCleaner (see Ccleaner?? for help.)
Check about:config for storage.vacuum.last.places.sqlite there should be a numeric value at the end.