Memory stick virus

I have a virus in a flash drive/memory stick. It was in my laptop and the panda program I was using did not catch it. My PC guy suggested using COMODO and happy he did.

Is there any way to remove the virus fron the stick with out infecting my laptop again?

It very elusive. It went from file to file. Every program you tried to open or close it told you it was infected and to but an antivirus program and wanted your credit card number.

If anyone can help I would appreciate your time and help.

You will need to disable autoruns. This way any file on the flash drive will not be able to automatically start itself up.

Which OS are you using?

This will save some time and posting

to disable autoplay for usb (1 for windows xp, 1 for vista, probably the same for windows 7 too)

For vista, go here (download the script to make it easier)
For xp, go here

  1. Click Start
    Collapse this imageExpand this image
    the Start button
    , type Gpedit.msc in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER.

    If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type the password, or click Allow.

  2. Under Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, expand Windows Components, and then click Autoplay Policies.

  3. In the Details pane, double-click Default Behavior for AutoRun.

  4. Click Enabled, and then select Do not execute any autorun commands in the Default Autorun behavior box to disable Autorun on all drives.

  5. Restart the computer.

It very elusive. It went from file to file. Every program you tried to open or close it told you it was infected and to but an antivirus program and wanted your credit card number.
Sounds like a fake AV Get malwarebytes and superantispyware from After everything is updated, go to windows safe mode
  1. Restart your computer.
  2. When the machine first starts, hit the “F8” key repeatedly until you see a new screen
  3. Go to Safe Mode
  4. run anti-virus software. after it’s clean. restart the computer
  1. after the computer is cleaned, you can remove “malwarebytes and susperantispyware” if you like. :slight_smile:

Ok guys firstly thank you both so much for your time and assistance.

I am very bad with computers when it comes to the technical aspects. i am more of a mechanical kind of guy.

I do not know what OS is (sorry) I downloaded malware but did not see super anti spyware. Even if I do all of this how will it know the filke to go to. The tech used malwarebytes on my laptop and it could not isolate the virus. Just worried I will mess it up and will be at squre one again.

That is the only way to learn.

Thank you so much for your assistance.

No need to apologize. OS means operating system.

If you want to learn how to clean an infected system yourself please read this:
What You Need To Know About Removing Infections and Securing Your Computer

I think I’ve written it so it can be easily followed. Please let me know if it’s confusing. I appreciate the feedback.

The tech used malwarebytes on my laptop and it could not isolate the virus.
If it's still there, you can uninstall it 1) click "start" 2) find and click "control panel" 3) click on programs --> add or remove programs 4) click on the program you want removed and uninstall


I’ll simplify this for you if you like, BUT Chiron link is WORTH reading and learning :-TU

Instead of picking one out, Let me pick one for you :slight_smile: let use one that combines a couple of anti-virus scannings in one to keep it as simple as possible

choose the “32bit” version first, if that fails, then you have a 64bit computer version

  1. run it, read the options, and clean what it finds.
  2. Feel free to run it again, to see if it missed anything :slight_smile:

If there’s any problem or your stuck trying to figure something out, let us know.

Good luck :wink:

I caught a virus in my Flash Drive a few months ago backing up a friends infected laptop…
I wasn’t worried about saving anything…I just reformatted it…wiped it clean.