memory firewall

I tried twice to load the memory fire wall and the driver wouldn’t load so I uninstalled. Does Comodo have a clean up tool to remove all files and folders and traces of this program? Thanks

Help! Where’s the Comodo expert? ( Moderator ) Thanks

Greetings, I’m no expert but I’ll try to help you

First of all, do you have CIS installed ? If so, you don’t need CMF anymore as it’s integrated.


Hi, I do have CIS.On Comodo’s web page under free products they have a product selection wizard to run, to let you know what products you need. Its says you need CIS as well as the Memory Firewall. It must be outdated,maybe that’s why it wouldn’t load all the way. I see some other people have the same problem. I guess it didn’t do any damage but should I remove all the files and folders of the memory firewall? Comodo should look at that wizard. Thanks

Well, I’ll let Melih know that he should update his product selection wizard. :wink:

No harm indeed, just delete the folder of CMF and run a registry scanner afterwards. (Comodo System Cleaner ?)

See ya,
