Maybe a tool from Comodo just like McAfee SiteAdvisor


I think Comodo should have a tool like McAfee’s SiteAdvisor that displays indicators right next to the URLs in the search results so that the user knows which site is safe and which isn’t.

It will be a nice touch if this is integrated with the Internet Security Suite itself.

This is already done with their DNS servers

I am aware of Comodo’s DNS servers and I am not talking about them. I am talking about a tool that could place some sort of safety indicators adjacent to the URLs in the search results

Comodo’s DNS servers don’t do that

I’ve attached a screenshot where you will see those indicators. Notice the check in green indicating that the site is safe and the cross in red indicating that the site is unsafe

The exclamation in yellow indicates that the site could be risky

[attachment deleted by admin]

That would be a task for a browser extension.

Well, it could either be developed as a standalone browser extension or it could be integrated with the Internet Security Suite itself like in some popular Internet security suites

The likes of Bitdefender, Kaspersky, Avast, K7, eScan, McAfee and a lot more have this feature incorporated in their Internet Security Suites

Doing this outside of the browser means that encrypted traffic must be decrypted by the software that scans and modifies it. Then the software encrypts it again with its own root certificate before it’s delivered to the browser, in order to make it look end-to-end (server-to-browser) encrypted, which it is not (it has been intercepted). That is a very bad thing to do. I find it both ironic and embarrassing that security software does this. :-[

EFF: Dear Software Vendors: Please Stop Trying to Intercept Your Customers’ Encrypted Traffic | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Hanno Böck:

If you want to modify traffic with user’s consent do it after the encryption (e. g. browser extension).