Mapped network drives inputted in "Protected Data" haven't been protected

A. THE BUG/ISSUE (Varies from issue to issue)
Under Settings > HIPS > Protected Objects > Protected Data, for example, I input:

All above local folders can be protected successfully when my program are run in Comodo Containment mode.

Z:* (mapped network drive)
All above nework folders won’t be protected when my program are run in Comodo Containment mode.

Windows 10 Pro (v2004)
Comodo Fireall (v12.1.0.6914)

As one can see, I can correctly block my contained programs from accessing inputted Local Folders, so my settings are correct. It is just an obvious bug, so I don’t attach any diagnostics file.

V12.2.2.7036 (Firewall only) Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

I confirm.

Adding network links to Protected Data to protect a network directory or a network file as:


doesn’t work.

When running explorer in containment both network directory and file are visible and the file can be opened.

Hi patwwh,

Thank you for reporting the issue. We will check this.

Please check with thanks.

V12.2.2.7062 (Firewall only) Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate 64-bit (clean install with all MS-updates)

I observed the following behavior when adding network links to Protected Data to protect a network directory or a network file as:


When running explorer in containment both network directory and file are visible and the file can be opened in contained notepad.
Double clicking on “TestFile.txt” (from within contained explorer) opens “TestFile.txt” in contained notepad.
The “TestFile.txt” can be edited in contained notepad but changes cannot be saved back to the same file.
When trying to save the changes to the same file contained notepad pops up with the message: “The media is write protected.”

I think it still does not work as intended.

I can doubly confirm that this bug hasn’t yet been fixed in v12.2.2.7062
All Network folders (inc. SMB mounted folders) listed in “Protected Data” can still be read by HIPS contained programs.