
Hi! I cant finding manual for Comodo Backup Version COMODO BackUp 2.0.108800.9 isnt correct work for me.
I think you must create topic “Manual” for Comodo Backup and COMODO BackUp 2.0.108800.9 latest and upper version.
Great thank`s
Sorry for my bad English

Hi polinom

Welcome to the Comodo Forum

The manual for Backup 1.0.4 is under help on the user interface. 1.0.4 will not be maintained but will be replaced by Backup 2 when it is out of Beta.

Backup 2 does not have all the features yet of Backup 1 but when it does I’m sure the developers will have a user manual available as well.

In the meantime try out the latest beta version of BU2 - 2.0.97061.3
