Malwarebytes & Comodo System Cleaner

This is just ot let you know that MBAM (free/trial) full scan does not run when CSC is active. When I deleted CSC temporarily MBAM full scan worked perfectly. On re-installation of CSC, the full scan stopped again.
Please note that this only applies to the full scan, the quick scan works well.
Am wondering if you have any ideas about this little problem. At the moment I have to uninstall CSC whenever I want to run Mbam full scan.
Ta in advance.

Try upgrading your CSC to the latest build of CSU a lot of things have changed since csc

Ta for help. Have installed latest version of CSU. Also new MBAM. Quick scan ran perfectly.
But will not attempt to run full scan until later today following a disc image backup. This because all hell seemed to break out in the past.
Should know sometime later today and will keep you informed.

Just to let you know there is some good news…first of all the full MBAM scan with version 4.0 did run, on the other hand it was 40 mins slower than without CSC/CSS installed. Still a big improvement and am quite pleased so ta lots.
Noticed when installing version 4.0 that the real time element of the App. was greatly curtailed
Will play around with settings of MBAM, and if any changes occur will let you know.
Ta again !!!
PS Version 4.0 is not that easily attainable, I got it off the forum!!!

Hope this gets to ya as don’t really understand forums, but last MBAM scan just included CSU as an ignore (exclusion)… scan was actually faster than ever…hope ya don’t want logs, but can do if ya like
Ta Again

glad to hear your problem is fixed. no i dont need logs since your problem seems to be fixed

Just to make sure, you did uninstall CSC before installing CSU right?

Yes did thorough uninstall