Malware Able To Restart Computer Even If Sandboxed As Limited And Above [M1060]

A. THE BUG/ISSUE (Varies from issue to issue)
Can U reproduce the problem & if so how reliably?:
Every time
If U can, exact steps to reproduce. If not, exactly what U did & what happened:
1:Run Malware Under BB Restrictions
2:Then the malware will restart the computer
3:The computer is restarted in the following situations:Partially Limited, Limited, Restricted, or Untrusted
One or two sentences explaining what actually happened:
Malware should not be able to reboot the computer if sandboxed as Limited or above.
One or two sentences explaining what you expected to happen:
Only when sandboxed as Partially Limited should the malware be able to restart the computer.
If a software compatibility problem have you tried the conflict FAQ?:
Any software except CIS/OS involved? If so - name, & exact version:
Any other information, eg your guess at the cause, how U tried to fix it etc:
Videos which show the behavior attached to this post

Exact CIS version & configuration:
CIS 7.0.317799.4142
Modules enabled & level. D+/HIPS, Autosandbox/BBlocker, Firewall, & AV:
Default configuration.
Have U made any other changes to the default config? (egs here.):
Default configuration. Other than that I am testing with the sandbox in partially limited, limited, Restricted, and Untrusted
Have U updated (without uninstall) from CIS 5 or CIS6?:
if so, have U tried a a a clean reinstall - if not please do?:
Have U imported a config from a previous version of CIS:
if so, have U tried a standard config - if not please do:
OS version, SP, 32/64 bit, UAC setting, account type, V.Machine used:
Windows 7 x64 in v.m vmware player and windows x32 in real system In both windows the same result , UAC default in both windows
Other security/s’box software a) currently installed b) installed since OS, including initial trial security software included with system:
a=none b=none

[attachment deleted by admin]

Already reported,

Thanks for the link :-TU

This is normal, that is to restart the computer but only in partially limited .

i am talking about the malware is able to restart the computer in Limited, Restricted, and Untrusted

Thank you. I just edited the first post, and the title. If everything seems correct please let me know, and send me a PM download link with the malware, and I can forward this to the devs.


Thank you very much for your report in standard format, with all information supplied. The care you have taken is much appreciated by Comodo, and will increase the likelihood that this bug can be fixed.

Developers may or may not communicate with you in the forum or by PM/IM, depending on time, availability, and need. Because you have supplied complete information they may be able to replicate and fix the bug without doing so.

Many thanks again.

Issue has been resolved in limited and above ,but not in virtually or partially limited :-TU

Thank you. I have updated the information in the tracker.

SD Ahmad has informed me that this is fixed for CIS version Beta. I have therefore closed this entry in the tracker and will move this bug report to Resolved.
