Make Comodo Internet Security a portable platform for all Comodo software

My vision is to make Comodo Internet Security a portable platform for ALL Comodo software. Not only these established in CIS, but really ALL in the whole Comodo portfolio running separetly, portable and standalone customizable without any installers and without any files stored in My Documents And Settings. To keep even working on USB stick. Best example would be the Portable Apps Platform and Portable Apps Suite.
This will be the best thing.
If i knew how to create a poll i would do so.

I would have voted no. If it were to be created, make it a separate product from CIS, it could have CIS in it but don’t make the main CIS program into one big Comodo Suit which would be portable. Just my opinion, people are already complaining about the size, also, I can’t see CIS working as a portable application.

I would have to disagree with this idea as well. Mostly because CIS is the only Comodo product I will use. I have found all of the others to be too intrusive and complicated. I love CIS 6 and think it is by far the best version yet.

Maybe i am misunderstood.Comodo Internet Security is as you said the best and best known product of the Comodo range. Regarding that it should wear the flag withe the name as a platform. Like Portable Apps.

You can download the platform or the entire suite or the portable programs. The programs can work as standalones, even without the platform. The platform, wheather it is now called CIS, Comodo or something else, that is not relevant. It shoul be a platform. I do not wanr to have anything installed in CIS. Yes it is to big. I also complain about that. Because of that i had to disable and uninstall so many things that leading me to my idea.
This platform would be a little file only. Like Launchpad it could launch the programs.
But it is necessary that every program has to be portable and standalone.
I have made many programs portables doing it he hard way or using UniExtract to make them portable and standalone.
It would be a good thing and a move in the right direction.

this wouldnt be possible if u wanted to keep the same level of security. cis uses a kernal driver which is the lowest level driver to keep the system protected. it also uses a driver for the firewall.

Exactly. Portable security is an oxyfool*. :slight_smile:

Edit: Oh that’s cute, the carp filter doesn’t like oxym0r0n. Neat.

CIS installer has become huge with all the additional softwares. And I dont know if they will listen to users & remove the additional softwares & make the installer customizable i.e currently the download size is same for all the installers & if I am not wrong AV files are also there in program folder even if only FW is installed. I hope they make the installer size smaller i.e if FW only is install, the installer should be smaller compared to the full suite & no AV files in the program folder.

In one of the version release they had added online installer, why they dont provide online installer now? I find it good as you can customize download removing the additional softwares & the actual download was app 50MB compared to offline installer above 100MB.

Well no isn’t the best thing, and is impossible to have the same level of protection. So No :-TD

Everything in security, wheather database security, cloud security (the best oxymoron) or internet security, is oxymoron. Portable security also, you are saying it well, ubuysa.

If you connect to internet, plug a flashdrive in a machine, download a file, even from a trusted site. You can only try the best for giving the best security to the people.
And Comodo is fighting for the best security and giving the best security, doing a great job.

You are lucky it used to turn it into oxyhunk