Mac install problems

Hey all,

Running into a problem that hopefully someone has resolved before.

I’ve installed the ESM agent on a Mac (10.8.3). Once the system shows up in the ESM interface, I do a Computers → Add → Managed Computers → and then select the system in order to install Comodo Endpoint Security. When I click the “Start Deployment” button the status changes to “Deployment Failed” (clicking this link returns “Unknown Error”) and the details read “Cannot open a temporary file”.

I used the same process to deploy to a Windows system without a problem. Kind of stuck on which temp file the install process is chocking on.

Any helpful points?

Thanks in advance,

What version of ESM are you using?

Sorry, meant to include that. 3.0.60418.2.

So far there is no CES (Comodo Endpoint Security) package for MacOS X yet.

There is an antivirus for Mac. The plan for the future is that you would be able to manage that AV. But for now, what you did is pretty much what you need to do in order to manage your MAC remotely from the Console (ESM Server). With the Agent installed, you can now manage files, services, programs running, etc.

Hey w-e-v,

Thanks you for the reply. Just to confirm, there is no way to remotely manage firewall functionality on a Mac? That’s really the feature I was looking for. Do you know if the same issue exists with Linux? I was going to test that in my next go around.

Again, very much appreciate the help!

Hi Chris,

No, is not possible (yet). Maybe Michel could help us to expand on this topic?

Same as Mac.

Still, with the current state of CESM, you are able to administrate in depth your Mac and Linux endpoints. CESM 3.0 was launched some weeks ago. I would highly recommend that you stick to this software since its going to do great stuffs. I call it “the baby monster”, because since it was released you can do already lots of stuff. Just let it grow up and become a “huge monster” compared to other endpoint manager products out there. You won’t find anything else that could be compared to it. :slight_smile:


Points go to w-e-v. ATM there is no CES for Mac or CES for Linux, ESM only looks after the daemons, apps etc.

We are building CES for both those platforms but right now there are only the free Mac & Linux AV downloads available from the Comodo website.
