Lost my desktop

Hi and thanks in advance! Im a new user, and im at my wits’ end! ive had some sort of infection for like 2 weeks. I think its virtumonde (that’s what adaware keeps reporting), but i dont have pop ups or anything, and none of the fixing tools( Vundofix, Combofix etc) remove it.

The main effect, apart from a rather slow net connection, and the comp freezing every now and then is a total loss of desktop and taskbar. All i have is the background. I cant even right click. The desktop comes occasionally, but it blinks on and off, and if it blinks off, i lose any window i opened via the desktop. -So how am I here? Task manager. I navigate entirely using it.

I have tried EVERYTHING!!! I confess to ego and trying to go my own way, but i now humbly bow in supplication to your superior intellects. I have the hijackthis log below. What do i do? What’s wrong? How do i prevent it in future? Please help me.

(:m*) Edit: Removed long HJT log post and replaced it as an attachment. Please do not post them. Just upload them as a text file or zip file

[attachment deleted by admin]

I’m a very green user. Sorry to admin for posting originally in wrong forum.
Anyway, I am desperate for help! I seem to have Virtumonde/ vundo malware on my system (according to adaware and spybot). However, im not seeing popups or anything.

Actually, the main effect is that, well, i have no desktop or taskbar, not even a right click option, just the background! The connection is a bit slower, and my comp freezes more often too.

I’ve downloaded EVERYTHING!! All the fix it tools, antispyware etc, and I’m at the end of my ability to lie to myself. Guys, i need your help. Here’s my hijackthis log. What’s wrong? Its solution? Future prevention?

(:m*) Edit: Removed long HJT log post and replaced it as an attachment. Please do not post them. Just upload them as a text file or zip file
(:m*) Edit: Also please do not post duplicate content messages in the forum

[attachment deleted by admin]

Sorry bout the double post. I posted first in the wrong forum, then posted again in the right one. Note to readers, i am extremely green- most of my internet activity is on wikipedia or angry harry.

Hi free,

It would help those who want to help you by providing some vital info. Such as: operating system, firewall version, antivirus protection, etc. While waiting for replies on this forum start hunting down your recovery discs (or reinstall discs), software discs, etc., just in case the solution is to reformat your hard drive and start all over.



For the desktop and taskbar not being shown, I suppose it’s been disabled to load at boot?
Open Run and write regedit, then check the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon and find Shell to the right. The value for it should be explorer.exe. If it’s blank (or something else), explorer.exe won’t load.

For the logs, these entries looks suspicious:
Winlogon Notify: cbxwxuu - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cbxwxuu.dll

BHO: (no name) - {17449B59-7181-48F2-AEA9-F928001B569F} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\jkhfe.dll

Try removing them and see if it solves your problem.


You may also download DrWeb CureIT scanner, switch off internet connection (best thing is to unplug internet cable).
Then boot in safe mode and run CureIT. It is a single executable wich doesn’t need to be installed. Choose “full scan” after autostart and memory were scanned.