Logged in but logged out


I’m using Comodo Dragon Korean (I think it’s stable release but not sure) on my desktop (home) and laptop (office).
Recently, I noticed the menu button was yellow, and saying “Login again…”
So I click on it, and login again on the Google login screen, but it just goes back to a simple new tab without login.

So I opened “settings” page, and saw it saying “Login session expired”.
I have tried several times to login again, but it just repeats above and doesn’t login at all.

Could anyone please help me? I have tried to find out this topic on this forum but couldn’t.

*** Additional Info 1 ***
It seems Comodo Dragon on my desktop and laptop are still interconnected.
When I change my bookmarks on laptop, I also see CD on desktop is changed so.

*** Additional Info 2 ***
Please let me know you that I have Chrome on both computer since very long time ago.
I have installed CD without uninstalling Chrome.