Log Window Does not snap to half of screen [M36]1[v6]

The log window for CIS does not snap to half of the screen when pulled to the side in Windows 7. Instead it fills up more than half of the screen.


  1. What you did:
    I dragged the window for Comodo Dragon to the left-side of the screen so it snapped to fill the left-half of the screen. I then opened the log window for CIS and dragged it to the rigth side of the screen so it snapped to fill up approximately half the screen.
  2. What actually happened or you actually saw:
    Comodo Dragon correctly filled up half the screen. However, the log window filled up more than half the screen, as seen in that it overlapped and covered up parts of Comodo Dragon.
  3. What you expected to happen or see:
    The log window should have snapped to fill up exactly half of the screen. Thus, they should have met in the middle without either one overlapping the other.
  4. How you tried to fix it & what happened:
  5. If a software compatibility problem have you tried the compatibility fixes (link in format)?:
  6. Details & exact version of any software (except CIS) involved (with download link unless malware):
  7. Whether you can make the problem happen again, and if so precise steps to make it happen:
    Just drag the log window to the side of the screen and compare it with any program which snaps to take up half the screen correctly.
  8. Any other information (eg your guess regarding the cause, with reasons):
    I’m not sure what causes this, but it’s probably important to note that my screen resolution is set to 1366x768.
    B. FILES APPENDED. (Please zip unless screenshots).:
  9. A diagnostics report file (Click ‘?’ in top right of main GUI) Required for all issues):
  10. Screenshots of the 6.0 Killswitch Process Tab (see Advanced tasks ~ Watch Activity) or 5.x Active Process List. If accessible, required for all issues::
  11. Screenshots illustrating the bug:
  12. Screenshots of related CIS event logs:
  13. A CIS config report or file:
  14. Crash or freeze dump file:
  15. Screenshot of More~About page. Can be used instead of typed product and AV database version:
    Information provided above.


  1. CIS version, AV database version & configuration:
    Comodo Internet Security Version 6.0.260739.2674
    Database 14614
  2. a) Have you updated (without uninstall) from a previous version of CIS:
    b) if so, have you tried a clean reinstall (without losing settings - if not please do)?:
  3. a) Have you imported a config from a previous version of CIS:
    b) if so, have U tried a standard config (without losing settings - if not please do)?:
  4. Have you made any other major changes to the default config? (eg ticked ‘block all unknown requests’, other egs here.):
    No, it is default.
  5. Defense+, Sandbox, Firewall & AV security levels:
  6. OS version, service pack, number of bits, UAC setting, & account type:
    Windows 7 x64 (Service Pack 1)
  7. Other security and utility software currently installed:
    Just Comodo System Utilities and CCleaner.
  8. Other security software previously installed at any time since Windows was last installed:
  9. Virtual machine used (Please do NOT use Virtual box)[color=blue]:
    Not a virtual machine.

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A. THE BUG/ISSUE (Varies from issue to issue)
[ol]- CIS version: CIS 6.0.264710.2708. Database 15103.

  • OS version Windows 7 x64 (Service Pack 1), UAC is disabled, administrator account, not a virtual machine.
  • What you did: I am using a default configuration. No settings have been changed. I dragged the window for Comodo Dragon to the left-side of the screen so it snapped to fill the left-half of the screen. I then opened the log window for CIS and dragged it to the right side of the screen so it snapped to fill up approximately half the screen.
  • What you actually saw: Comodo Dragon correctly filled up half the screen. However, the log window filled up more than half the screen, as seen in that it overlapped and covered up parts of Comodo Dragon.
  • What you expected to happen or see: The log window should have snapped to fill up exactly half of the screen. Thus, they should have met in the middle without either one overlapping the other.
  • A screenshot illustrating to GUI problem: Attached.
  • Any other information, eg your guess at the cause, how U tried to fix it etc: I’m not sure what causes this, but it’s probably important to note that my screen resolution is set to 1366x768.

[attachment deleted by admin]

My screen resolution is 1280 x 800 and the same problem is present. Someone forget about the boarders around the screen (snap ‘ghost’ is correct but then the window resizes when you release the mouse button)?

This issue appears to me to be the same as one already on file. Accordingly, I will merge them, if that’s OK. You can locate the merged report by follwing the link in the email notification.

If you don’t agree please PM any active mod with your reasons and, if appropriate, they will unmerge the issue.

Many thanks

This is still not fixed with version 6.1.275152.2801.

This is still not fixed with CIS version 6.1.276867.2813.

Tracker updated, thanks.

This is not fixed with CIS version 6.2.282872.2847.

I have received feedback from the devs that apparently this is by design.

Thus, I will move this to Resolved.