Local Network help please


A lot of people have asked about this but I can not find an answer.

The firewall is working fine on my comp but my networked laptop can not seem to do anything.
I need it to share files, printers and Internet connection.

When it was first connected it popped up a ‘new private network detected’ box asking if I wanted to be accessible and I ticked yes, it then popped up a form with the ip range which I have discovered was entered as a network zone.

From the help I understand that this just defined the network as a zone for easy reference and not the actual permissions for connection sharing etc.

This is where I am lost?
How do I set this zone up to accept printer, file and interenet connection?



I have worked out that I need to add global rules (Firewall tasks > Advanced > Network Security Policy > Global Rules)

I have added an in and out for TCP or UDP , source address - my local zone, destination - any, ports - any.
(settings for the IP protocol were already present, must have already been added when the zone was set up)
My laptop can now share files, and skype is working, updates seem to work.
But when I open a browser I can not surf (even though firefox successfully updated.)

I have tried adding other settings, but to no avail.

Help, please.

I have fixed by adding a rule to (Firewall tasks > Advanced > Network Security Policy > %windir%\system32\svhost.exe)
action - allow, protocol TCP,UDP, Direction IN, source and destination address - my local network zone. ports -any.

This is working but am not 100% this is secure. I think it is because the source and destination are both only my network so something from outside can not access svhost.exe. Correct?

I really appreciate if someone can say final solution for ICS or confirm your solution is secure.